Is it the apocalypse yet?

If you were looking for proof of the apocalypse, look no further. We have a pandemic, the sky is on fire, and I am actually contributing to a blog! Was all that part of the prophecy?

I’ve been on the editorial team for months and though I’ve had ideas for posts and taken plenty of pictures, I haven’t contributed yet. At our editorial team meeting, I decided and was encouraged to post once a week- what’s been going on at Cascadia Commons Cohousing Community.

So here’s the big thing going on right now- THE SKY! This photo was taken by neighbor, Pat, and there was no color filter used- the sky is the orange hue and haze due to the nearby wildfire smoke. The angry red sun didn’t photograph as well, but it’s quite a fantastic sight.

So that’s why I’m indoors, posting a blog entry. I’m waiting to find out if there will be evacuation orders in the next few days. But I’ll enjoy looking through my window at this surreal, other-worldly, sci-fi, dystopian view while it lasts.

About Mystery Cascadian

Board member, Financial Team, Facilitator team, Common House, Orientation

3 comments on “Is it the apocalypse yet?

  1. hard enough to live through this pandemic but now, to not even be able to go hike in Forest Park, is too sad. thinking of all who have had to evacuate or are threatened by possible evacuation orders. we are relatively safe and lucky. thanks for posting, Monica

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