t is with a heavy heart that I announce that our beloved friend and servant CHIP (Common House Intrepid Printer) has shuffled off the mortal coil of toil and turmoil, that is the common lot of the public printer. CHIP churned out bank statements, financial reports, reimbursement forms, and more without complaint. Wine labels, Consensus Cards, any number of full color flyers and brochures, web pages, emails all were delivered faultlessly from his trusty paper tray.

It’s the end of a printer error at Cascadia, so join me in a toast to CHIP. 🍷

About David Chilstrom

Born in Portland, Oregon; I’ve also lived in Boise Idaho, Seattle WA, and Colorado. My work life has mostly revolved around publishing in some form or another. I’ve worked decades as a printer and moved to digital publishing as a web, ebook, and database developer. I’ve lived communally most of my life, as a founding member of the Still Meadow community in Damascus, Oregon, at Sunrise Ranch near Loveland, Colorado and, since 2012, I’ve lived at Cascadia Commons with my partner Sue Staehli.