I have lived in Cascadia Commons for over 13 years now, so almost a “senior resident”. My cats have lived with me during all those years, as well as my two sons for just a brief period. I love living here because the community is social, supportive and never dull. We have lived through various crises, losses and are still together. In fact we are all the stronger for it. I love celebrating with the kids, creating wonderful dinners and have tea parties. We share harvest from our veggie gardens and fruit trees, which I really appreciate, because it’s my favorite way to eat! When I was sick or had deaths in my family, everyone stood ready to assist. When I come home from work, (home health physical therapy) my neighbors greet me. When I am out of town ( my family lives in The Netherlands), my neighbors feed my cats.I work as home health physical therapist and I am also a graduate of the PSU Conflict Resolution program. I also enjoy hosting Couchsurfers and it has been a pleasure sharing my traveling visitors.
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