Not sure who started this but I really want to state my appreciation. We have been out there on Beaverton-Hillsdale every night (as far as I know) at 7:00-7:30 for almost 5 weeks. That is starting to seem like a long time but I compare it to how long blacks have been considered second class citizens. Then it doesn’t seem to bad.

It feels like a smaller accomplishment than marching and maybe being injured downtown. But I hope that if we keep reminding people like us every day then more white Americans will accept it as a new normal. We get honks, waves. thumbs up and black power fists. We also get catcalls, middle fingers and blank stares. We even had one man pull into the left turn lane and lecture us for 4-5 minutes. It feels good having neighbors from outside Cascadia join us, sometimes to continue with us and occasionally to see what it feels like and go back to their neighborhoods.
The time holding signs and waving is also a good bonding feeling for me. Since I connect more with people by doing things than talking I particularly enjoy this time. So if anyone wants to join us we have extra signs and congregate at the CH about 6:45.
I’m impressed you’ve all done this for 5 weeks now! Glad that neighbors are joining in.
we learned last night that All Lives Matter and we are wasting our time. obviously made them think
And the door prize for the first author to submit a post goes to Ken!