Pet Policy

This pet policy establishes a common philosophy about what is best for our community, based on a broad perspective and common courtesy. lt does not expect to change anyone’s personal philosophy about pets. lt does expect both that pet guardians’ habits will adapt to community needs. and that the community will respect pet guardians needs. 

Our community pet policy supports the following tenets: 

The harmonious enjoyment of our community life together

  • Pets are not allowed in the common house. [See notes below.]
  • There will be no commercial breeding of animals at Cascadia. Exceptions will be considered.
  • Guardians will take all reasonable steps to ensure that their pets do not become a nuisance to others (ex: barking, spraying, etc.)
  • The Cascadia Pet Policy applies to both resident & visiting pets & their guardians. 

The prevention of illness and injury to people and pets 

  • All cats and dogs, and other species as deemed appropriate, will be spayed/neutered. Exceptions will be considered.
  • Guardians will take all reasonable steps to ensure that their pets do not become a health or safety hazard to others (ex: disease transmission, allergies, fleas, aggressiveness, droppings, etc.) 
  • Pet Profile Forms will be completed for each pet, and filed in the Common House. If something happens to a pet while his/her guardian is away, members should consult the information on file before taking action. (unless emergency) 

The right of Cascadians & our neighbors to enjoy a property free of animal waste, damage and trespass

  • Guardians will remove all outdoor messes daily (feces, vomit, dead animals, etc.). Pets should not use garden areas, non-guardian LCE areas, or the children’s play area as a bathroom. Dogs should use designated areas only. Use pink flags to designate found messes. 
  • Guardians are responsible for the remediation of any damage caused by their pets. 


  • There are still unresolved issues regarding pets & pet guardians; these will continue to be addressed, and the policy will continue to evolve.
  • Per HOA Discussion 1/2020 “Consensus decision:  The 2002 Pet Policy set the precedent of no pets in the CH.  Service animals are not pets thus, there is no language about service animals in our legal documents.”
  • 6/23/02 Pet policy sections passed:
    • There will be no commercial breeding of animals at Cascadia. Exceptions will be considered.
    • Pet guardians will take all reasonable steps to ensure that their pets [it actually says “poet” — do we want to change that??] do not become a nuisance to others (examples: barking, spraying, etc)
    • All cats and dogs, and other species as deemed appropriate, will be spayed/neutered. Exceptions will be considered.
    • Guardians will take all reasonable steps to ensure that their pets will not become a health or safety hazard to others (ex: disease transmission, allergies, fleas, aggressiveness, droppings, etc.)
  • 6/9/02 Pet policy sections passed:
    • 1.6-The Cascadia Pet Policy applies to both resident and visiting pets and their guardians.
    • 2.4 – Pet Profile forms will be completed for each pet, and filed in the CH. If something happens to a pet while his/her guardian is away, members should consult the information on file before taking action (unless emergency).
  • 5/12/02 Pet policy section passed:
    • Pets are not allowed in the common house.